Activity Events: April 17th- April 21st

Monday April 17th- Get signed up, we will be heading over to Stanley Park Mall for some shopping. There are two trips 1:15 & 1:45pm.Tuesday April 18th- It's crazy hat day!! Come on in with your favourite cookiest hat!Wednesday April 19th- We will be heading over to Jerusalem for our monthly Travelogue, please join us in our 3rd floor lounge at 2:00pm.Thursday April 20th- We are so lucky to have our own musician Greg living with us. He will be playing his guitar for everyone. This starts at 2:00pm in the Cafe.Friday April 21st- Put on your thinking caps, we will be discussing different topics from around the world while drinking our favourite Tim Horton's Cofee.


Activity Events: April 24th- April 28th


Activity Events April 10th-April 14th