Weekly Activities Monday February 12th to Friday February 17th

Monday February 12th- Join us in the third floor café for a freshly baked muffin. In the afternoon we will be having a movie followed by a strategic game of euchre!Tuesday February 13th- Today we will be bringing in a Chinese food lunch for all that would like to participate! See the green binder at the front desk to sign up and see the menu.Wednesday February 14th- Happy Valentine's Day! Meet in the 3rd floor Café at 1:30 to sing some love songs with Peter French.Thursday February 15th- at 9:30 the travelling tuck cart will make its way around to every room. At 10:30 St. Joseph's will be in for a catholic church service. In the afternoon Paul Schalm will be in to play some beautiful melodies on the piano!Friday February 16th- This afternoon will be full of activities for all to enjoy. We will be having smart exercises followed by a choice of Wii bowling or carpet darts to get the afternoon going.


Weekly Activities Monday February 19th to Friday February 23rd


Weekly Activities: Monday February 5th to Friday February 9th