February Activity Message 2024
Welcome February!
February is usually the shortest month of the year, however 2024 is a leap year. Leap days happen approximately every four years. The next leap year is 2028. Enjoy this extra day, February 29th, in the afternoon with entertainment by John and his daughter's Lesley and Hayley.
This Chinese New Year is "The Year of The Dragon". Come celebrate with a special Luna Lunch on February 9th and in the afternoon join in the New Year celebrations.
Mardi Gras is on February 13th. The Mardi Gras Social will be on March 12th. Learn the history, come for the music and Mexican appetizers.
Love is in the air! Roses are red and violets are blue, we have a party just for you! On February 14th join us in the afternoon for a Valentine's Party, with flute music by Jan Searle and some Valentine Treats. A Valentine's dinner will be held in the evening. Wear your brightest red or pink outfit! Happy Valentine's Day to all our amazing residents!
A Vision Impairment Presentation will be held by Kelly Bowland this month. Kelly will be speaking on understanding eye diseases, talking about funding, and assessments. Vision impairment devices will be out for the residents to use. Everyone is welcome to attend.
February 28th is Anti Bullying Day. Bullying is a serious problem in school, work places, homes and online. The need to lift each other up and maintain acceptance and respect for everyone is important. Join us to support this day by wearing a PINK SHIRT. We believe everyone young and old has the power to change!
Lastly there will be a new change to the activity calendar going forward, starting in March. The size of the activity calendar paper will be bigger and therefore the print on the calendar will be larger to see.
Have a great month!