June Activity Message 2024

June is a wonderful month to engage in the outdoors! Take a walk around the neighborhood. Spend time under the pergola with family and friends, enjoy the garden waterfall, the flowers blooming and the wildlife who come to visit. Get in on an outdoor game of bocce ball, horseshoes, or lawn darts, it's a great way to have fun and socialize with friends at the lodge.

Grab your Gardening Gloves! Conestoga Lodge is holding a Family and Friends Garden Day on Monday June 3rd at 10am. Bring a flower or plant to contribute to the gardens. Enjoy some refreshments. Socialize, share a garden tip, while visiting with the group.

Father's Day is fast approaching! Join in the celebration June 13th for a Father's Day Special with music by Paul Horton. If you enjoy Historical Aviation, this is for all the fathers to come and see what this program is all about. On Father's Day there will be a special BBQ Lunch and goodies afterwards. Here's celebrating all the amazing fathers at Conestoga Lodge and wishing all these great men a wonderful Happy Father's Day!

Save the date! The Family Strawberry Social will on June 18th, with an afternoon filled with delicious strawberry-themed treats and drinks. Two guests per resident are welcome to attend. Sign up at the front desk. Bring your loved one and enjoy a Berry Good Time!

June's outings are a shopping trip to The Boardwalk, Lunch Bunch to Mel's Diner, a trip to Port Dover for lunch - Fish and Chips anyone? And to The Whistling Gardens in Wilsonville with a picnic.

This month's birthday party will have music by John and his daughters. Everyone is welcome to attend. Wishing a joyous birthday to all the June-born residents!

Have a fantastic June!


July Activity Message 2024


May Activity Message 2024